Supplementary Food Production, Research and Development, and processing Food and Drug Administration Registration (FDA) for innovation projects

CDIP Thailand is a leading company in Thailand aiming to provide holistic services for healthy-related innovation projects. The company started by specializing in doing formulation research and development, before expanding into providing all forms of services with the help of professionals and a team that together strives to make CDIP Thailand the leading company in the market. Not only do we specialize in supplementary food products, but we also offer services for all products in the health market.

In addition, CDIP Thailand has seen the importance in helping scientists in Thailand in taking their research and turning them in to viable commercial businesses by doing IP Matching and Utilization. Therefore, this has made our company become an integral hub in finding business opportunities for University and Research Centers, in both public and private sector, to take their studies and present them to leading businessman who are looking to invest in new innovation projects or improving and adding value to existing products they already own.

Contact us

131 INC1  No.204  Thailand Science park  Paholyothin Rd. Klong1  Klong Luang Pathumthani 12120 

 (662) 564 7000 ext. 5214 , 5227

 (662) 564 7745

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